What Andrew Breitbart Knew – Planned Parenthood Major Player In the Web of Pizzagate (Women’s March)


[–] Jem777 7 points (+7|-0) 27 days ago

Reading all of those puts his courage even more in perspective. Also why they fiercely attacked the Brietbart News with labels. They are terrified. Can one imagine what he passed along to others. There is a reason Bannon became Editor and now the Clinton Cash author is now editor. Also why Flynn pulled out all stops. He knows. The best evidence yet is information that when Flynn was named as NSC people were sick to their stomachs in Obamaland most pointedly Podesta.

The truth has been passed and it is ugly.

[–] ProudTruther 3 points (+3|-0) 27 days ago

I think planned parenthood delivers some of these babies to the people alive. Let’s face it these sick fucks really like to sacrifice some babies.

[–] exposethecriminals 3 points (+3|-0) 27 days ago

I had never thought of that. I agree, I think they deliver some babies alive to pedophiles, or for rituals, too.

[–] dipedo57 2 points (+2|-0) 26 days ago

I have been thinking that for a while we know babies are born alive and they are told to kill them why not let Skippy do it for them

[–] cult_of_philanthropy 3 points (+3|-0) 27 days ago

This is the “fuck you, JP” video  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_4V50eWOgroYouTube

Who is the the other journalist? I don’t understand why they play games with the information. Especially when AB knew kids were being harmed. He knew they were going to kill him. Who has all his documentation, Bannon? It sure makes sense now as to why President Trump made Bannon a special advisor.

Go get ’em!!! and FUCK YOU JOHN PODESTA!!!!

[–] Dressage2 1 points (+1|-0) 27 days ago

I love that video. I don’t know which is my favorite video. This one or the one where he outs Weiner in his press conference. Both are classics.

[–] cult_of_philanthropy 3 points (+3|-0) 27 days ago  (edited 27 days ago)

@Dressage 2…I know what you mean. Another fav is the one in which he confronts the protesters forcing them to actually form a critical thought and they all say…abda abda abda. Then the at the end the organizer yells…”he’s gay”. Then he nails her for too. Brilliant…I so wish he were still alive today. Why the hell didn’t he protect himself?

Edit: nails her for that too.

[–] cakeoflightylight [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 26 days ago

I need to see this one! Haven’t yet. (Weiner – have a link by chance?)

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[–] cakeoflightylight [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 27 days ago

needs to be a bumper sticker

[–] cult_of_philanthropy 0 points (+0|-0) 27 days ago


[–] Vindicator 3 points (+3|-0) 27 days ago

My favorite:

AndrewBreitbartVerified account ‏@AndrewBreitbart 2 Feb 2011

Hey lefties, good luck going undercover into right wing orgs or corps posing as pimps looking for help with underage sex slave operations!

[–] cakeoflightylight [S] 1 points (+1|-0) 27 days ago

hilariously sad, sadly hilarious

[–] AngB23 2 points (+2|-0) 26 days ago

I’m kinda dumbfounded I’ve said for 6 months we need to find out what Andrew knew yet I never went back to read his tweets. This is awesome info. So many people to investigate. And you KNOW PP knows about sex slaves, there’s YT vids with people recording this.

I’m sure lots of sex slaves get pregnant and that’s not a money maker for the pimps. I’m sure they bring these girls in for abortions and I don’t even want think how young some maybe. And if the girls are trafficked in and can’t speak English, who is going to help them? How can they speak out about what’s happening?

And I know Pharma claims they don’t use aborted fetuses in vaccines anymore but I don’t believe them. There is human tissue in vaccines. It’s like this huge cesspool of filth between the pimps, PP, Pharma, CP, human trafficking…. Makes me sick

[–] cakeoflightylight [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 26 days ago

Apparently they don’t always mind if they get pregnant because they keep the younger ones around for sex or organs in the future and as leverage against their young mothers or they use them in human sacrifice rituals or conduct rituals inside PP clinics as the babies are being aborted. Whatever floats their boats

[–] AngB23 1 points (+1|-0) 26 days ago

So makes you wonder…do the abortion doctors also do births of some? This whole thing is so disgusting to me. And we all know MANY politicians are fully aware of this and why they protect PP so much.

Also saw this tweet re: Ex PP Amy Woodruff (mentioned in tweets)

https://imgur.com/a/SLRdKImgur Album

[–] exposethecriminals 2 points (+2|-0) 27 days ago  (edited 27 days ago)

I didn’t know about the Planned Parenthood tweets, what a great post. That probably is why they killed him as Dressage2 commented. Yesterday it caught my eye that the Houston child sex slave warehouse “The Hideaway” is very close to not just any Planned Parenthood, but a PP that conducts abortions at five months and later. (https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1758507/8613461))

I wonder if “late term abortion” clinics and warehouses full of sex slaves are commonly in the same areas.

This article states 162 of the U.S.’s 511 abortion clinics do post-five month abortions. And that five clinics do abortions throughout all nine months of pregnancy. They are:

• Southwestern Women’s Options in Albuquerque, New Mexico

• Pro-Choice Medical Center in Beverly Hills, California

• Boulder Abortion Clinic in Boulder, Colorado

• Germantown Reproductive Health Services in Germantown, Maryland

• Women’s Med Center in Kettering, Ohio, a suburb of Dayton

Former Planned Parenthood Director Abby Johnson opinion piece:

I Used To Work For Planned Parenthood. Yes, Late-Term Abortions Happened Regularly.

[…] a late-term abortion can be provided for any reason, as long as the abortionist checks a box on her chart stating it was affecting her “life or health.” No documentation of proof is required.  http://archive.is/caUKz or http://ijr.com/opinion/2016/10/261258-planned-parenthood-late-term-abortions-health/

So warehouses are probably used as farms, as well as concentration camps for the girls, and boys, when they’re not being secreted out to events, motels, etc.

[–] AngB23 0 points (+0|-0) 26 days ago

There’s another vid I saw of a former PP higher up. It was a bit older and she was too and she talked “matter of fact”, not a lot of emotion but it was powerful. She talked about monthly quotas, late term abortions, using unsterile equipment and a girl died bcuz the doctor basically pulled out her uterus or something like that. It was horrific.

Of course, I can’t find the video anymore.

[–] cakeoflightylight [S] 2 points (+2|-0) 27 days ago  (edited 27 days ago)

There are tons of names in here that deserve investigation. Everyone needs to go check out those twitter handles, if you haven’t already. See if you can find anything. This is all coming together. Every major piece of Trump’s agenda that is getting major backlash would address one aspect of this or another, from the wall, to the travel ban, to defunding Planned Parenthood overseas and at home, to prosecuting pedos and who is on his cabinet and the Supreme Court. I hope Bannon knows every little thing Breitbart knew, and I’m guessing based on their “Remembering Andrew Breitbart” article last fall that he does.

[–] sugarskull 1 points (+1|-0) 26 days ago

Wicked new setup BTW voat builders!! Love this too…never knew he said so much about sex slaves he surely knew SOMETHING BIG. Big enough to get heart attacked!

[–] cult_of_philanthropy 1 points (+1|-0) 27 days ago

Also, YT has deleted the Andrew Brietbart Archives Channel. I watched a lot of his videos from that channel. I loved every one of them too. Now I have to go YT search to find his videos. At least they’re still there, for now.

[–] Dressage2 1 points (+1|-0) 27 days ago

This is amazing how many tweets there were regarding this. I had only seen the one calling out Podesta. No wonder they killed him. He would have exposed their billion sex industry from child trafficking, selling fetuses to selling organs. Thank god Brietbart can stop rolling over in his grave because it will finally all come out and Podesta will be in the net. Of course, that is if the illegal Russia biz doesn’t get him first.

[–] PizzaGateTwiceRetard 0 points (+1|-1) 26 days ago

How prog-guru John Podesta isn’t household name as world class underage sex slave op cover-upperer defending unspeakable dregs escapes me.

How many times does it have to be pointed out that Breitbart was talking about Podesta’s hand in the ACORN fiasco?

I swear, you guys keep regurgitating things that have been addressed until people stop bothering to correct you and then you echo-chamber them into “fact”.

[–] AngB23 0 points (+0|-0) 26 days ago

Hmmm, Breitbart was a pretty OUT spoken, straight shooter kind of guy. He mentions Acorn ONCE, yet Podesta and MMFA multiple times. As well, as we know now PP. Nice try on the diversion, we will keeping digging

[–] PizzaGateIsRetarded 0 points (+0|-0) 26 days ago

Right, because it’s impossible for Breitbart to have disliked Podesta based on ideology.

Sorry, but this isn’t proof that Breitbart “knew” what Pizzagate only suspects. That’s the bottom line here.

Keep digging all you want, you’re just going to crack open a sewer line and flood the place with shit.

[–] cakeoflightylight [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 26 days ago

How many times do you have to see what was involved in that before you connect the two in your mind? Think harder. It just clicked for me completely yesterday. Do you not understand what Planned Parenthood does? Do you not understand what a pimp is?

[–] PizzaGateIsRetarded -1 points (+0|-1) 26 days ago

How many times do you have to see what was involved in that before you connect the two in your mind?

What, you mean use my imagination? Sorry, I like to stick to the facts.

[–] PizzagateBot 0 points (+0|-0) 27 days ago

Hillary Clinton took $265k from company illegally selling harvested body parts

[–] michael86 58 points (+59|-1) 19 hours ago  (edited 18 hours ago)

related to your findings, especially the part about hillary defending people harvesting and selling organs. This has nothing to do with standing on pro or against abortions. Just exposing truth:

  1. Recently released SICK report by US goverment on Planned Parenthood who are systematically selling fetus and baby parts to StemExpress:https://energycommerce.house.gov/sites/republicans.energycommerce.house.gov/files/documents/Select_Investigative_Panel_Final_Report.pdf
  2. Easier Summary of that report: http://imgur.com/a/Pg7tdImgur Album
  3. Soros, Buffet, giving 100’s of millions to PP: http://www.newsbusters.org/blogs/nb/alatheia-larsen/2015/07/31/planned-parenthoods-biggest-donors-gave-374-million-four-years
  4. Zuckerberg giving 992M$ to PP: http://www.lifenews.com/2014/02/12/facebook-ceo-mark-zuckerberg-donates-992-2-million-to-charity-funding-planned-parenthood/
  5. PP sold baby parts to StemExpress, who when exposed, started shredding papers:http://www.washingtonexaminer.com/stemexpress-ceo-sloppy-republican-led-fetal-tissue-panel-only-hurting-their-cause/article/2608426
  6. Clinton helped Ecuadorian Crime Family setting up their baby parts business, specifically the 2 institutions that are connected to all of these accusations of baby organ selling (DaVinchi Biologics): http://www.wnd.com/2016/10/hillary-linked-to-baby-body-parts-scandal/
  7. PP avoid taking sex trafficking accusations seriously, instruct emplyees not to talk about it:http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/jan/17/planned-parenthood-failed-take-sex-trafficking-ser/
  8. Founder of PP, Margaret Sanger, was a KKK supporter, believed in the need to do Eugenics (population reducing) on black communites: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_2eODG-c6I0YouTube
  9. Ben Carson exposing Margaret Sanger was one of Hillary’s idols, PP targeting black communities in the US to do Eugenics:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EnnrKUYumx8YouTube
  10. PP are leaders of Woman March in Washington on the 20th, connected to exposed domestic terrorism group #DisruptJ20, all out supported by Soros + Hillary: http://dcist.com/2016/12/planned_parenthood_gloria_steinem_h.php

[–] 4warned 15 points (+15|-0) 19 hours ago  (edited 19 hours ago)

Remember how they dismissed David Daleiden as fake news? He exposed the fact that PP was selling toStem express- the company that buys baby parts . They endorsed Hillary for president. http://www.lifenews.com/2015/08/25/stemexpress-ceo-endorses-hillary-clinton-shes-getting-elected-its-a-done-deal/ And, John Boehner’s health policy director in 2015 name is Charlotte Ivancic. Her little sister is Kate Dyer, founder of Stem Cell Express  http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2015/07/17/boehners-health-policy-director-is-sister-of-stemexpress-founder/ Blood Money. Here’s an article of the donations given by Planned Parenthood affiliates to Clinton as of April.. http://liveactionnews.org/hillary-clinton-money-trail-proves-favorite-abortion-industry/

[–] DustyRadio 6 points (+7|-1) 19 hours ago

Planned Parenthood and the expose of them selling fetal tissue is just the tip of the iceberg with them. I am certain there are grotesque things going on there that we don’t know how bad it is. Just the former worker testimony is enough to keep one awake. I truly think Gosnell had all those baby and baby parts frozen for sale to places, no one knew that shit was going on at the time he was busted.

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[–] PoeticallyIncorrect 11 points (+11|-0) 19 hours ago

This is the kind of comment that should be at the top. Is PP a front for organ/stem cell harvesting? Are the world’s richest really donating as a means of paying for illegal stem cell research and development?

[–] michael86 13 points (+13|-0) 19 hours ago  (edited 19 hours ago)

yeah… but mods kept deleting this post here on voat, more exactly one mod and my mosted hated mod – that stupid falcon guy!

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[–] Jem777 11 points (+12|-1) 16 hours ago

PP is a front for everything. Harvesting babies organs & tissue. To be sold transplanted to higher bidders. Sold to labs for experiments and when everyone can trace all this evidence back into the Tavistock Institute founded in part by one of the biggest child pervs know in history the “psychiatrist” Sigmund Freud who propagandize that children were the sexual aggressors early on. Inventing terms like “penis envy” and oral fixation to describe his sick research. There you have Tavistock Institute founders along with Hitler’s scientist Dr. Mengele and numerous others who developed hideous programs of child torture to create spilt minds or MK Ultra. This is still happening. It was exported to the CIA in 1948 by bringing these monsters into the US under aliases who developed programs in certain hospitals. And Yes and Sigmund Freud is the grandfather of the aforementioned Clement Freud involved With the Madeline MCCann abduction with John & Tony Podestas.

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[–] redditsuckz 4 points (+6|-2) 17 hours ago  (edited 17 hours ago)

Is PP a front for organ/stem cell harvesting?

Not only organs…they would harvest whole fetuses with some still alive to be sold to satanic groups for ritual sacrifice/cannibalism.

Are the world’s richest really donating as a means of paying for illegal stem cell research and development?

Peter Thiel believes blood transfusions from the young could be ‘biological fountain of youth’ and help people live forever



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[–] podesta4prison 0 points (+1|-1) 17 hours ago  (edited 17 hours ago)

Wait, serious question. What is the problem with this practice, exactly? The left is aware of fetal stem cell use, and I didn’t think it was illegal?

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[–] YingYangMom 7 points (+8|-1) 19 hours ago

Great job too! Thanks for all this info and links. Let’s keep exposing this evil!

[–] 4warned 6 points (+6|-0) 19 hours ago

Great links! Abortion is an industry making millions by killing babies.

[–] logjam 4 points (+4|-0) 18 hours ago

billions in fact.

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[–] JoJoVoat 10 points (+11|-1) 19 hours ago

Great job and great find.

I found an article from 2014 re Hospitals involved in the practice, but the entire article is interesting.


“Charity Begins At Home

In the United States, Nancy Scheper-Hughes identified several major U.S. hospitals who participate in these heinous practices of illegal transplants in some of the best hospitals on the east coast, including Mount Sinai, Albert Einstein in Philadelphia, and Baltimore’s Johns Hopkins.

Since I first publicized the story of Monika Wesolowski whose four-year-old son was taken and is most likely being sexually abused and very possibly trafficked, nine former CPS agents from around the country have contacted me to speak about the horrific abuses being perpetrated against American parents by CPS. Two of these agents have said that they had knowledge of abduction rings tied to child prostitution and organ harvesting. They are both frightened about the possible consequences of speaking out. However, this fact should not surprise anyone.


Why hasn’t anyone asked the question as to why the federal government will pay a CPS organization approximately $5,000 per child that it takes away from its parents, more money is paid if the child is a minority or has a disability because the parents don’t always have the means to fight back? The child sex slavery ring and child organ harvesting trafficking begins with the federal government as they are paying CPS to seize children. Why does the federal government care if CPS seizes children? The answer should be obvious, this is the modern day version of the Selective Service Act and the subsequent drafting of our children for the right to prey upon their genitals and organs.”

[–] 2impendingdoom 5 points (+6|-1) 19 hours ago

This is seriously disturbing. The more that bubbles up, the more appalling it is. This is basically human/sex/organ trafficking and racketeering by the US judiciary.

[–] JoJoVoat 8 points (+9|-1) 19 hours ago

Yes. Which worries me on how all this will go down.

But yes, our government may be one of the most corrupt of all… Who’d of thought 6 months ago we would be digging this shit up.

It would be nice if we had big voices on our side willing to step up to the plate.

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[–] Eastwood350 3 points (+3|-0) 17 hours ago

In actuality the Federal government pays much more than $5000 per child. They pay the state from $62000-$110000 per child and children with disabilities, medical complexities are the ones who are on the higher end of the reimbursements (most of which come out of the Social Security Trust Fund). The 5k you were referring to may have been the adoption bonuses. Each state receives 5k- 10k depending on the adoptees ages and teens being on the higher end and the states receive these bounties if and only if they exceed their adoptions over the prior year.

There is an online publication that I’ve read by the name of MedicalKidnap which only publishes stories of children taken by CPS through a hospital , doctor or other medical personnel as it’s been proven that many children’s hospitals actually have contracts with CPS and it’s thought that some of these children have been used in clinical trials. Under the Bush Administration Congress passed a law enabling medical facilities to allow foster children to be subjected to riskier clinical trials than if that child was in the custody of the bio parents. There’s been a rash of what is now called Medical Kidnappings.  http://medicalkidnap.com/

[–] DustyRadio 0 points (+1|-1) 16 hours ago

That medical kidnap site is full of great info, though it is hard to read the stories and know that shit is happening in the freaking United States! It is terrifying to think that CPS has so much power.

[–] JoJoVoat 0 points (+1|-1) 17 hours ago

The 5K was actually part of the article. Sorry if that wasn’t clear.

[–] Vastator 9 points (+9|-0) 19 hours ago

That’s a good catch! And thanks for not using things like “OMG, BOMBSHELL!” in the title.

[–] Tanngrisnir [S] 4 points (+4|-0) 19 hours ago

Haha, yeah, I usually avoid any topics that say that myself.

[–] Jem777 8 points (+8|-0) 19 hours ago

Tenet healthcare a major player. Heart transplants? Fetal transplants? RTI surgical Yes PP was caught selling baby body parts. The media lied and the Obama admin lied when this broke over a year ago. The final report issued silently December 31, 2016. The plan was to nominate liberal justice swing the Supreme Court after Scalia to repeal Hyde ammendment. Green light late term abortions. This is one of the main reason they fought Trump so hard. It is not about Pro choice. The market is huge to supply the rich new organs tissue. Just imagine if these evil monsters could pay ahead of time. Trump challenged HRC on stage in debate if she was willing to take baby in final month of pregnancy. That was their goal. We should all be sickened by this. Trumps first action was to stop federal dollars going into third world countries for abortions. Did any of you know Obama has been sending tax money for abortions in places they do not have laws regarding fetal organ harvesting? Late term abortion. Horrible

[–] 4warned 3 points (+3|-0) 16 hours ago  (edited 16 hours ago)

And let’s not forget Obama vetoed the Born Alive Survivors Protection act. If an abortionist ‘fails’ to kill the baby, and the baby is born alive, Obama was all for leaving the infant die on the table, without medical care. These are evil people. Abortionists, Clinton, Obama, Cecile Richards.  http://www.lifenews.com/2015/09/17/obama-vows-to-veto-bill-holding-planned-parenthood-liable-for-harvesting-aborted-babies-still-alive/

[–] DustyRadio 1 points (+1|-0) 17 hours ago

Do you mean green light late term abortions on a federal level? The Hern Clinic in CO does them all 9 months and LeRoy Carhartt also does them up till the last day, though he has been utilizing a “mobile style” of late after having too many injured women and bad press at his MD office. Those are the two most well known late term abortionists that are currently practicing.

[–] 4warned 0 points (+0|-0) 18 hours ago

Thank you so much for this! It’s what the abortion industry is about!

[–] Wolftrail7272 8 points (+8|-0) 19 hours ago

I recommend Tenet Healthcare as a lead on organ harvesting as well. Jeb Bush was on their board and stepped down during the election. Tenet worked with the Clinton Foundation in a big way. I have posts on this as well.

[–] PizzaGateDiscovery 5 points (+6|-1) 19 hours ago

Prescott Bush was listed as treasurer of Planned Parenthood in its early days. Wouldn’t be too surprising to find Jeb has links to a shady healthcare group. The Bushes are linked to the Clintons since the early Mena Airport Days http://liveactionnews.org/history-of-george-h-w-bushs-relationship-planned-parenthood/

[–] carmencita 0 points (+0|-0) 13 hours ago

Bush was on the Board of Tenet Healthcare but had to leave when he ran for President. Very shady outfit. Look at the Posts of Wolftrail7272. Phenomenal.

[–] fogdryer 2 points (+2|-0) 19 hours ago

Please tell me more I’m listening.

I did not know tenet was connected to killary Just a thought to share. , in Louisiana coroners are paid so little the law allows them to sell cadavers without consent.

[–] DCmommaBear 0 points (+0|-0) 9 hours ago  (edited 9 hours ago)


“in Louisiana coroners are paid so little the law allows them to sell cadavers without consent.”

[–] redditsuckz 0 points (+1|-1) 16 hours ago

This is from the family that keeps baby fetuses in jars;

Pizzagate Bush Says His Mom Keeps a Baby’s Body in Her House


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[–] carmencita 2 points (+2|-0) 19 hours ago

If these clues keep coming, we will be able to put it all together in one neat package. I wonder if Rick Scott is tied to all of this too. Jeb Bush is the one that pulled his rear out of the water after he bilked Medicare out of Millions. Being Gov he could pull a lot of strings for these companies in Florida. He committed his crime with Medicare while living in Texas, the home of Tenet Healthcare.

[–] bopper 2 points (+2|-0) 19 hours ago

From their website: “Tenet is proud to give back financially to nonprofit organizations, such as the American Heart Association, March of Dimes and Clinton Health Matters Initiative, helping those in need live happier, healthier lives.”

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[–] JoJoVoat 0 points (+1|-1) 16 hours ago

Hey, check this out.. I posted this elsewhere but looks more relevant here, Ill see if you think its worth its own thread and where to put it.

The earthquake in Haiti happened in 2010. In other research I was doing I realized that 5 democratic politicians got very wealthy around that time in an article published the following year. I wonder what the Clintons, Podestas, Huma, Bush’s and other portfolios look like.. I copy and pasted my original text and the link, let me know what you think

I post this in another thread: In regards to Haiti and the earthquake of 2010 The very next year a few democratic politicians got pretty wealthy. Organ harvesting, stem cell harvesting and human and child sex slave trafficking bring in big bucks. Just sayin’..

Six of the top wealthiest politicians (when this was written in 2011) were democrat. That’s some big doe.


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[–] flyingcuttlefish -1 points (+0|-1) 19 hours ago

I am interested in Tenet and Clinton Foundation – for my CF blog-


[–] Wolftrail7272 2 points (+2|-0) 18 hours ago

Check out my posts. Tenet has links to a violent pedophile priest who was the likely murderer of another pedophile who turned informant for the FBI.

[–] JustObserving 7 points (+8|-1) 20 hours ago

Nice digging!

[–] Tanngrisnir [S] 18 points (+18|-0) 20 hours ago

Thank you! This is my biggest find yet.

[–] JustObserving 7 points (+7|-0) 19 hours ago

That’s not only “a” find, these are several big findings in one. Good job

[–] Drkadrka 2 points (+2|-0) 19 hours ago

Great Find. Props to you. Shows why we can’t let the big bad Russians control Crimea.

Now to see who has floated between government and these companies. Who are their lobbyists, what congress critters do they support, what law firms represent them, who are their international subsidiaries, what other companies are these executives major holders in? Down the rabbit hole we go.

[–] Ronnilynn31 1 points (+1|-0) 14 hours ago

I’ve been reading through the links in your post & comments for 2 hours. I think my husband might actually be somewhat convinced in all my “Conspiracy” talk the last few months. He’s very much against planned parenthood so tying pieces together on the organ trafficking/killing babies etc with other Clinton related activities isn’t as much of a stretch.

[–] carmencita 1 points (+1|-0) 19 hours ago

Thanks for all your hard work. You have helped further the investigation that many of us are working on. Keep up the good work.:)

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[–] redditsuckz 4 points (+4|-0) 17 hours ago  (edited 17 hours ago)

Voat, Slimg, & Archive.is are all taking down posts about #Pizzagate, especially those referencing Planned Parenthood trafficking babies’ bodies, and Satanism



[–] 4warned 2 points (+2|-0) 16 hours ago

We’ve struck a nerve

[–] bopper 4 points (+4|-0) 18 hours ago

The MSM and others are attacking Trump viciously. POTUS needs to go ahead and start bringing them down. Sick of their hubris.

[–] 2impendingdoom 4 points (+4|-0) 23 hours ago

More on organ harvesting, (of Chinese prisoners):


My post of this organ trafficking article earlier today was deleted. Thank you Tanngrisnir this is a great find and connection to HRC.

[–] Tanngrisnir [S] 2 points (+2|-0) 23 hours ago

Thank you. Your was a nice find too. Pope Francis seems to me very complicit in all this. He let one of the presidents of the Millennium Villages speak on the subject and I highly suspect that that organization is a front for trafficking. Also it is good to learn about what is going on in China.

[–] 2impendingdoom 0 points (+0|-0) 23 hours ago

your post is fantastic. I agree with you on Francis, the details of this organ trafficking are disgusting, my link was only to help expose the practice of it. A few weeks ago I would have thought organ trafficking was limited to people in traffic accidents.

[–] cantsleepawink 0 points (+0|-0) 22 hours ago

why was your post deleted ?

[–] 2impendingdoom 0 points (+0|-0) 22 hours ago

rule 1

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[–] Isaac_With_A_D6 3 points (+3|-0) 18 hours ago

I am continually impressed with this community’s ability to connect the dots. Bravo from a concerned citizen cheering you guys on.

[–] Platypus43 3 points (+3|-0) 20 hours ago

Do you guys remember that 17 year old that died in a gym mat and when they did the autopsy they found his organs missing and his body was stuffed with newspaper?  http://www.cnn.com/2013/10/09/us/georgia-gym-mat-death/

This might be worth taking a second look at

[–] survey_girl 0 points (+0|-0) 9 hours ago

My sister actually taught him the semester before he died, and teaches at Lowndes High. There is a lot of dis-info about what happened, and some innocent people have had their lives ripped apart because of the family of the boy. The organs were there for the first autopsy and organs are only viable immediately after death, so I don’t think this case is related. The county pathologist might have them preserved or have a reason they didn’t put them back in the body?? But I wouldn’t take anything coming from the family as 100% truth… this whole time they have been trying to make it about race, and trying to profit off of the accident.

(Sorry to sound negative, but his family has really divided the town, and lost a lot of sympathy from most people).

[–] VieBleu 3 points (+3|-0) 23 hours ago  (edited 22 hours ago)

The organ trafficking will bring them down first, I’m convinced. Well done. Coincidentally I earlier saw a commenter here called “skreli” and wondered if it was pharma dude- maybe he could help with insider info.

Edit: the name is Scirel https://voat.co/user/Scirel Don’t know at all anything about this user but just saw the name.

[–] 2impendingdoom 0 points (+0|-0) 23 hours ago

Skreli has a website that the OPs Links connect to, its kind of hilarious in its vindictiveness and he spills dirt on his pharma competition (without evidence)

[–] Don-Keyhote 0 points (+0|-0) 21 hours ago

Someone showed me he has a YouTube channel where he take live Skype calls so girls can berate him then he corrects them and replies with stuff like “You don’t know shit. I’d still fuck you though ” it’s funny stuff

1 reply

[–] VieBleu 0 points (+0|-0) 23 hours ago  (edited 23 hours ago)

Ha. well, no one can say we aren’t paying attention.

[–] 2impendingdoom 3 points (+3|-0) 23 hours ago


18 Sep 2009

“A German medical firm is under investigation after accusations that it paid a middleman to cannibalise corpses in Eastern Europe so they could be sold to hospitals in the West.

Tutogen, a German subsidiary of America’s RTI Biologics, is alleged to have bought up the bones, cartilage, tendons, skin, eye corneas, and heart valves from thousands of corpses for implantation in living Western patients.

The value of a single corpse to the medical industry can be worth over £150,000 and the gruesome market has sometimes attracted unscrupulous and criminal operators. The trade is worth £600 million in the United States every year.

Lena Krat, Ukrainian woman, has accused Tutogen of profiting from her father’s body after buying his remains from a Ukrainian company which had misled her into signing a consent form.

“I was so upset that I couldn’t think clearly,” she told Der Spiegel. “If I had known that so much is cut out, I would never have given my consent.”

Joseph Düsel, a senior state prosecutor in Bamberg, told The Daily Telegraph that his office was investigating the allegations. “The state prosecutor is at this time exploring whether to open a formal preliminary proceeding against the responsible parties at the firm Tutogen because of breaches of the transplantation and medicines laws,” he said….

[–] Jem777 2 points (+2|-0) 21 hours ago  (edited 21 hours ago)

To add to this excellent work and possibly help people understand the historical connections involved here Encourage you to think of the article in this thread posted by @4warned by Townhall in 2015 over the abortion industry use of fetal parts, baby organs. In this article the process is described where the ordering of fetal organs happens through planned parenthood.

In the article itself the name Joseph Mengele is mentioned. He is the infamous scientist of the Nazi party that committed horrific acts on children under Hitler. He would be the mastermind of trauma based mind control MK Ultra- for example. He was brought into the US in 1948 as part of the newly formed CIA with “black budget” new name possibly Dr. Green Operation Paperclip

[–] anon401 2 points (+2|-0) 22 hours ago


President Bill Clinton to Address AdvaMed 2009: The MedTech Conference Oct 05, 2009

WASHINGTON, Oct. 5 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ — AdvaMed 2009 is pleased to announce that President Bill Clinton, founder of the William J. Clinton Foundation and the 42nd President of the United States, will speak at AdvaMed 2009: The MedTech Conference on Wednesday, October 14 at the Walter E. Washington Convention Center in Washington, D.C. His speech, entitled “Embracing our Common Humanity,” will be open to all full-conference registrants.

President Clinton served the United States for eight years during a time of unprecedented prosperity and change. Now, President Clinton is a powerful voice for progress around the world as he shares his unique insights and observations with audiences around the world. President Clinton’s public speeches describe the challenge of globalization, emphasize our growing interdependence, and point the way toward a common future based on shared goals and values.”

President Clinton’s remarks will be a feature of the three-day conference bringing together industry, investor, media and policy-maker stakeholders within the medical technology community. President Clinton’s address and question and answer session will be delivered during the Wednesday plenary breakfast. Other distinguished plenary speakers at the October 12-14, AdvaMed 2009 conference include: Sir Bruce Keogh, Medical Director, National Health Service, England; M. Philippe Sauvage Deputy Chief of Staff, French Minister of Health; Dr. Joshua M. Sharfstein Principal Deputy Commissioner, U.S. Food the Drug Administration (FDA).

[–] anon401 1 points (+1|-0) 21 hours ago



Q: As you mentioned, plenary speakers at the AdvaMed Conference are very important and influential people, and this year is no different. What issues will the speakers, including former President George W. Bush and Maryland Governor Martin O’Malley, address? How did they get involved in this year’s event?

A: With respect to Governor O’Malley, we invited him because there is such a large medical technology industry in Maryland; it’s a key part of the O’Malley Administration strategy to get to know the industry and to foster its growth. We saw that and invited him – and we are pleased he is willing to make the trip to Washington. While a lot of Marylanders think about the bioscience medical industry in the state, Maryland is also home to many device and diagnostic companies such as BD and Qiagen.

As for President Bush, his family has a long history of personal experience with medical devices, which helps provide a personal connection for him as a speaker.

The U.S. Secretary of Health and Human Services, Kathleen Sebelius; the FDA Director of the Center for Devices and Radiological Health, Dr. Jeffrey Shuren; and Counselor to the FDA Commissioner John Taylor will also be part of the meeting this year.

[–] Jem777 0 points (+0|-0) 23 minutes ago

Notice who is also mentioned. Kathleen Sebellius. Curious. What happens in Kansas stays in Kansas.

[–] 2impendingdoom 2 points (+2|-0) 23 hours ago

The part about Shkreli and his vindictive temper is pretty funny, guy uses too much of his own product?

[–] fogdryer 2 points (+2|-0) 23 hours ago

All of that disease is gonna be another scandal in itself People paying good money for organs etc only to receive Damaged goods which will put them to an early grave That’s gonna be hell to pay don’t ya think

[–] lawfag123 2 points (+2|-0) 23 hours ago

get this to george webb

[–] Tanngrisnir [S] 1 points (+1|-0) 23 hours ago

Already sent it to him on YouTube. But nobody reads YouTube direct messages so who knows?

[–] nitro169 1 points (+1|-0) 23 hours ago

George reads all his comments

[–] memegod420 0 points (+0|-0) 22 hours ago

Shoot him a message on twitter: https://twitter.com/georgwebb?lang=en

[–] SaneGoatiSwear 2 points (+3|-1) 23 hours ago

evidence rti biologics “illegally harvested dead bodies for bone marrow, organs, and tissue from the Ukraine to sell for a profit” please.

[–] 1ew 1 points (+1|-0) 23 hours ago

The links are given in the post (five links above, some others more below) – this one: http://archive.is/eCz7B

[–] JustObserving 1 points (+1|-0) 23 hours ago

There is some info when you click “RTI Biologics”:

Tissue and bone used for skin grafts, dental implants and cancer treatment taken from patients without consent

Hence the illegal part.

In their expose, the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists followed the trial of body parts back to the Ukraine, where many are harvested

Mention of Ukraine as the origin of the body parts.

Or do you want further evidence besides the dailymail article?

[–] SaneGoatiSwear 0 points (+2|-2) 23 hours ago

daily mail.


1 reply

[–] DustyRadio 2 points (+2|-0) 23 hours ago

Wow great job, OP!

[–] Vindicator 2 points (+3|-1) 23 hours ago

GREAT post @Tanngrisnir. Well cited. Flairing this “New Evidence” for you.

[–] Tanngrisnir [S] 0 points (+1|-1) 21 hours ago

Thank you very much, Vindicator!

[–] vastrightwing 1 points (+1|-0) 7 hours ago

Even today, Bill & Hilary are not subject to any laws. The amounts don’t matter, the criminality doesn’t matter. They are completely free to be as criminal as they please and nothing will ever happen to them. And their “friends”. I doubt even Trump can do anything to them.

They are members of a cabal and noone even knows who they all are. Just sayin’

[–] DeathToMasons 1 points (+1|-0) 13 hours ago  (edited 13 hours ago)

Imagine if arrest were made? What would happen? The corporate media would have to call the arrest a travesty somehow, but that would only make those sleeping research the story. The last shovel full of dirt on the medias grave. If this entire network isn’t brought low, people need to boycott everything and stop paying taxes. Period. I have already cancelled my cable and will not return to the movies or fund sports. Enough already. I am way past convinced and if the FBI has any white hats left, do something asap or we are through supporting any establishment apparatus and the government they control. Enough.

[–] conspiracyprincess 1 points (+1|-0) 19 hours ago

O.K. so you’re saying she profited off all her human sacrifices ? IT JUST GETS SICKER AND SICKER…

[–] jangles 1 points (+1|-0) 19 hours ago

Exactly that, “raw materials”

[–] truthvibe 1 points (+1|-0) 20 hours ago

Thanks for the thread. I just got red-pilled big time on the abortion business as a side effect of reading.

[–] za-throwaway 1 points (+1|-0) 22 hours ago

Perhaps Mr Shkreli would like to shed some more light on this, to help clear his name?

[–] EvaEverywhere 1 points (+1|-0) 23 hours ago  (edited 23 hours ago)

Congrats on the find. Upvoat to you!

How much of Hillary’s day-to-day business is enabling the worst people in the world, or getting them out of legal trouble? It seems like it is a lot! What we are uncovering is that Hillary Clinton is an “Optimizer” which is a person who makes more with what is there to get brownie points from the “douchebag overlords” (often, this involves very shady practices…) I wrote about this cancer before I found out about Pizzagate!!! (Ref: http://masculinetopics.com/surviving-the-future-in-america/))

[–] Blacksmith21 1 points (+1|-0) 23 hours ago

C’mon folks, archive your finds: http://archive.is/Ctn7p

Good work OP.

[–] jcwetzel 1 points (+1|-0) 23 hours ago

Good work. I must admit that before reading more than the headline I imagined Hillary selling her victims off in pieces.

[–] 4warned 1 points (+1|-0) 23 hours ago

Great work!

[–] YingYangMom 1 points (+1|-0) 23 hours ago

Very nice catch OP 😀

[–] Tanngrisnir [S] 1 points (+1|-0) 23 hours ago

With pleasure, SaneGoatiSwear! Please click on the link that says “RTI Biologics”.

[–] cntrl-v 0 points (+0|-0) 3 hours ago

Now we know where Soros gets all his hearts

[–] Chroniclulz 0 points (+0|-0) 16 hours ago

Sorry if this has been said already, but have you, Tanngrisnir, or anyone, shared these findings with George Webb? If not, send them over right away.

[–] juhos 0 points (+0|-0) 16 hours ago

George Webb is investigating organ harvesting

[–] shoosh 0 points (+0|-0) 17 hours ago

I went through the comments to see if there’s a connection to Heritage Fund’s Planned Parenthood Devos Center, and if that’s related to Betsy Devos, Secretary of Education bulti-billionair. did I miss the info?

[–] Herbvendor 0 points (+0|-0) 18 hours ago


[–] spacemonkey251 0 points (+0|-0) 20 hours ago

do you always have to refer to Ukraine as “the” Ukraine? Do people do that?

[–] Tanngrisnir [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 20 hours ago

As far as I’m aware there is a big linguistic argument going on about that. I have no problem saying just Ukraine if people prefer.


[–] 21yearsofdigging 0 points (+0|-0) 21 hours ago

Best dig in weeks!! Amazing stuff!! Doess George Wwbb know about this, have you sent it to him?

[–] Tanngrisnir [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 21 hours ago

I made a twitter (after vowing never again) just to tweet it to him. So far no one has seen it.

[–] JournalismIsDead 0 points (+0|-0) 21 hours ago

How does anyone honestly get paid $265,000 for one speech?

[–] Tanngrisnir [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 21 hours ago

It is a bribe but with an excuse given so that it doesn’t look like one.

[–] JournalismIsDead 0 points (+0|-0) 21 hours ago


[–] 4warned 0 points (+0|-0) 22 hours ago  (edited 22 hours ago)

1:20 p.m. StemExpress: The calvarium (cranium) is mostly intact, with a tear up the back of the suture line, but all pieces look to be there. The limbs, one upper and one lower, are totally intact, with one upper broken at the humerus and one lower broken right above the knee. Please let me know if these are acceptable. I have set them aside and will await your reply.http://townhall.com/columnists/frankpavone/2016/07/20/national-director-priests-for-life-n2194844 About five minutes later, the researcher replied: “That sounds great we would like both of them. Please send them our way. Thanks again.”

[–] NikitaVerite 0 points (+0|-0) 23 hours ago

Excellent work!!!

[–] Jem777 0 points (+0|-0) 23 hours ago

Huge! Archive all connections especially with Tav.

[–] 4warned 0 points (+0|-0) 23 hours ago

Stem Express …order baby parts…here http://www.stemexpress.com/content/fetal-liver-product-information-sheets/info.aspx Cecile RichardsPlanned Parenthood known for selling baby parts to – Stem Express- all endorsed Hillary for president

[–] pnwpatriot97 -1 points (+0|-1) 21 hours ago

Good work my man! Any ties with Habitat For Humanity or dyncorp??

[–] Tanngrisnir [S] 1 points (+1|-0) 21 hours ago

Thanks, man. Nothing new, just the old info of RTI Surgical partnering with Habitat for Humanity before. I wish there was a better dyncorp link than just partnering with HForH but tavistock is pretty big as well.

[–] armyseer -2 points (+3|-5) 21 hours ago  (edited 21 hours ago)

AdvaMed is a trade association with a ridiculously long list of members: https://www.advamed.org/join/members

To tie Clinton directly to RTI through an AdvaMed speech payment is crazy. Mods are obviously not stupid, and they are flagging this as “new evidence” to frame pizzagate investigators for pushing bullshit.

V/pizzagate is COMPROMISED


[–] jangles 3 points (+3|-0) 19 hours ago

@armyseer review the links on this thread https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1590102 you are shilling and we know it.

[–] gt8h65fg 2 points (+2|-0) 18 hours ago

Right. We don’t knows the % of $265,000 comes from RTI to CF through Advamed. But I respect OPs work.

[–] Tanngrisnir [S] 0 points (+1|-1) 19 hours ago

Thanks for the support Jangles, I really appreciate it. ArmySeer was having me second guessing myself even though it is pretty obvious he thinks everyone and their grandmother is a shill.

[–] Tanngrisnir [S] 3 points (+3|-0) 20 hours ago

I’m getting called a shill by armyseer so that means I’ve made it, right?

[–] armyseer -1 points (+1|-2) 20 hours ago

Yeah, you hit the big time. Ask David for a raise.

[–] armyseer -2 points (+2|-4) 20 hours ago

If you would like, I can add you to the official list. It is no longer maintained due to massive amounts of shilling but exceptions can be made.

[–] gt8h65fg 1 points (+1|-0) 18 hours ago

Agree. We don’t knows the % of $265,000 comes from RTI to CF through Advamed. But I respect OPs work.

[–] Tanngrisnir [S] 0 points (+1|-1) 19 hours ago

But operations like RTI pulled brings in millions of dollars. Even if they were just one member of AdvaMed they were bring in a killing of ill gotten money. To say that doesn’t directly reflect poorly on AdvaMed and Hillary is asinine.

#265k, #advamed, #body, #for-sale, #hillary, #paid, #parts, #rti-biologics, #tutogen

A Complete Summary on Caris and her Parents #carisjames

Here is some more information I am adding to this post since it is related.

Is Caris James her real name?

More info on her parents:

Who is this girl? She looks an awful lot like “Caris James” but the photo was supposedly posted in October 2012. So she might be between 7-8 years old now? Is this Mae, the older sister to Caris, or is it Madeline McCann? Notice the weird names of people reblogging this photo. The original was posted on ‘letthislovecarryon’ which has been deactivated (so we have no idea the true date on this photo).






See here for more on the Pizza Brains / Little Baby’s Ice Cream Syndicate:

Go to this link: http://libertarian–princess.tumblr.com/post/153579674441/tinfoil-update-4


Voat, Slimg, & Archive.is are all taking down posts about #Pizzagate, especially those referencing Planned Parenthood trafficking babies’ bodies, and Satanism



Well it seems certain moderators on Voat do not like anything referencing Satanism or Planned Parenthood to be posted in the pizzagate forum. Gee I wonder why that may be. The investigation is about to need to go decentralized in a big way because there is no easy way to back up or archive websites and share them on Voat since they are all being deleted and scrubbed. If you have any images you backed up on Slimg or websites you backed up on archive, it would be better to do screenshots you are saving to a flash drive and then make your own blog.

Pizzagate Moderator Deletes My Thread about Planned Parenthood Baby Body Parts Sale – Organ Trafficking, Cannibalism, Podesta, Clinton Foundation, PP (pizzagatewhatever)

22 hoursamyrebeccajames

Clinton Foundation is into Organ Trafficking and we know this. Why the hell would Millenial_Falcon choose to delete a thread about them. I’m posting it here since this is Pizzagatewhatever. I can’t find the most recent thread I was in where we were talking about Planned Parenthood. I don’t trust Millenial_Falcon because he deletes half of my posts. https://i.sli.mg/IXNRvq.pngPNG Yesterday I saw a video that says that the OTO ritual called Cake of Light is taking place and that Hillary Clinton may have Kuru (neurodegenerative disease caused by cannibalism).

Again, we know Podesta is into cannibalism. We know PP is being protected, we know baby body parts are part of the organ trafficking, why the hell delete this Millenial_Falcon??

No evidence? There’s tons of evidence. Do I need to cross reference your brain on every post with a citation or can we speak freely here? https://i.sli.mg/NjCe5p.pngPNG

[–] podestaisamolester 0 points (+0|-0) 4 minutes ago

odd how your links to your images are 404ed

[–] amyrebeccajames 0 points (+0|-0) 1 second ago

Yeah… not odd considering that apparently the moderators here are all shills. Once you post your proof, they go order Slimg to remove the archive. Like that’s going to stop the investigation. All it does is slow us down a little. Eventually, no matter how many people they hush or websites they delete, someone’s going to use this stuff to track all these sickos down and they can just offer themselves into the fire to Baal.

[–] redditsuckz 1 points (+1|-0) 4 hours ago

(((They))) love baby body parts…

Planned Parenthood’s Biggest Donors Gave $374 Million in Four Years

Between 2010 and 2013, no fewer than 966 individual organizations donated to Planned Parenthood. Of those, 31 gave more than $1 million each during those four years, totaling $374,199,059. The seven highest donors made up $324.8 million of that.

These largest Planned Parenthood donors include Warren Buffett, George Soros, Bill Gates, and others. A summary of the top seven funders follows.

-The Susan Thompson Buffett Foundation — $230,915,706

-The William and Flora Hewlett Foundation — $22,827,000

-Open Society Institute — $18,350,000

-The David and Lucile Packard Foundation — $14,691,659

-Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation — $14,521,748

-Ford Foundation — $13,486,250

-Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program — $10,031,210



Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Donates $992 Million to Charity Funding Planned Parenthood



[–] amyrebeccajames S 0 points (+0|-0) 1.8 hours ago

Damn I am so super pissed off reading this. Thinking of boycotting Facebook now. I can’t even believe that. Well I can, but still. almost a billion dollars and they’re crying about the federal government not wanting to fund them – basically their entire funding is coming from the Illuminati operatives in the government.

[–] redditsuckz 1 points (+1|-0) 1.5 hours ago  (edited 1.5 hours ago)

Recent US Goverment report which finds “Planned Parenthood” was trafficking fetus & dead baby parts !!

“Planned Parenthood Orange County Changes Abortions to Harvest Intact Fetuses for Local Company’s ‘Fetal Products’ sales”

“Planned Parenthood Ally National Abortion Federation Suggests ‘Group Purchasing Program’ for Fetal Parts, Payments ‘A Win-Win’ for Clinics”

“Planned Parenthood Houston Admits Accounting Gimmicks Hide Baby Parts Sales, Invoices Charge Thousands of Dollars”

“Planned Parenthood TX Abortion Apprentice Taught Partial-Birth Abortions to ‘Strive For’ Intact Baby Brains”

“Top Planned Parenthood Exec Agrees Baby Parts Sales ‘A Valid Exchange,’ Some Clinics ‘Generate a Fair Amount of Income Doing This’”

“Planned Parenthood Baby Parts Vendor Advanced Bioscience Resources Pays Off Clinics, Intact Fetuses ‘Just Fell Out’”

“Planned Parenthood Baby Parts Buyer StemExpress Wants ‘Another 50 Livers/Weeks,’ Financial Benefits for Abortion Clinics”

“Intact Fetuses ‘Just a Matter of Line Items’ for Planned Parenthood TX MegaCenter”

“Planned Parenthood VP Says Fetuses May Come Out Intact, Agrees Payments Specific to the Specimen”

“Second Planned Parenthood Senior Executive Haggles Over Baby Parts Prices, Changes Abortion Methods”

“Planned Parenthood Uses Partial-Birth Abortions to Sell Baby Parts”


Planned Parenthood is a major supplior for US based cults?


[–] StringEmUp 1 points (+1|-0) 4 hours ago

has this been posted to pizzagate? if not, can you make sure you post it?

[–] michael86 1 points (+1|-0) 1.1 hours ago

we posted and that MOD keeps deleting it… are we on to something??

[–] amyrebeccajames 0 points (+0|-0) 1 second ago

I’m going to repost it again.

#archive-is, #shill-moderators, #slimg, #voat

Are the Wikileaks Exposing Child Sacrifice with Coded Language? – Part Two – Fresh Tortillas Flown in from Mexico and a Suckling Pig

Update: There is an orphanage with a reference to a roasted chicken, right next to pictures of children. https://citizeninvestigators.org/orphanage-in-cia-hq-country-washington-dc-is-big-on-roasted-chicken-and-has-hidden-blo-wing-up-chickens-message/2017/01/15/#comment-189


Podesta: “fresh handmade tortillas flown in from Mexico” (pizzagate)
submitted 5 days ago by zzvoat
I just left this info for David Seaman under his newest video, which included lifting up a line from an email that we read when it first came out but, for some reason never flagged. Terrific that someone did AND there’s even more.

FROM THE SAME EMAIL: https://wikileaks.org/podesta-emails/emailid/26903

Here’s the money line:

“fresh, handmade tortillas flown in from Mexico the previous day, ”

No one needs to fly handmade tortillas in at all, let alone a day ahead of time for any party. There are a million places in DC that make authentic handmade Mexican tortillas, which would actually be fresher if purchased the day of the party.

Googled “Washington, DC handmade mexican tortillas”

872, 000 returns

Gee, with Obama’s $65,000 in pizza and hotdogs being flown in from Chicago and all these handmade tortillas being flown in from Mexico there is certainly a lot of “flying around” of food, isn’t there?

EDIT: (also left for David but I don’t know whether he’ll get it) Logic tells me that the next step is to get info. on all inbound flights from Mexico to DC (and Baltimore?) on the previous day, which I believe would be Saturday December 27, 2014, because the subject line of the email reads: “Re: Invitation: Taco and Tequila cookout on Sunday, December 28”

Relevant comments I needed to archive:

[–] AugustaJulia 12 points (+12|-0) 5 days ago (edited 5 days ago)
Just signed up to make two comments:

1) A suckling pig is very small. It easily fits into an oven. I can’t see how it should be enough for a big party. Could “suckling pig” be a code?

2) This is unrelated to this particular thread. But I feel too shy to open a separate thread. This concerns the Russian plane crash that occurred on Christmas day. The investigators are saying it was not an explosion. I don’t really trust them, and I don’t think it was an accident. However, what does it have to do with Pizzagate? One of the people who died in the crash was a very famous Doctor Liza (Elizaveta Glinka). Famous in Russia, I should say. An interesting coincidence is that Doctor Liza used to traffic children out of East Ukraine in order to bring them out of the war zone. The Ukrainian side was very angry at her. Many people said that it was unnecessary to take them out of the country because she could have easily taken them to safe zones within Ukraine. The Russian side thinks that she is an angel. I don’t have an opinion. I am not claiming that she was evil. Perhaps she was totally legit and really was an angel. I just thought that it was curious that a plane crashed and that a famous person who died was involved in a trafficking controversy.

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[–] josco 4 points (+4|-0) 5 days ago
1) You’re right. “Suckling pig” means baby. Hadn’t thought of that.

2) Is Dr. Glinka infamous? Did people think her moving children as unnecessary or sketchy? Until PizzaGate, I would never think about trafficking as motivation; did Ukrainians think of that?

Thanks for comments. That’s a totally new line of discussion (to me)

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[–] amyrebeccajames 3 points (+3|-0) 4 days ago (edited 4 days ago)
I think you’re right. I thought that at first, as well. Since Satanists enjoy both pedophilia and human sacrifice it makes me wonder if they planned on killing a baby. “After seasoning, the piglet is cooked by skewering the entire animal, entrails removed, on a large stick and cooking it in a pit filled with charcoal. The piglet is placed over the charcoal, and the stick or rod it is attached to is turned in a rotisserie action.”

Earlier, here: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1503255

I asked if the chicken sacrificed to Moloch from one of the earlier Wikileaks dumps might actually mean a little boy was sacrificed.

Someone responded that there was a poster from HRC’s favorite NY pizza place that had a Solstice celebration ad with roasted chickens. Seriously though, what Solstice (witchcraft) pizza party would need to have roasted chickens on the menu? I’ve never once ordered roasted chicken at a pizza place.

From this post: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1501634

The place is called Roberta’s Pizza: https://sli.mg/QQNvJq.pngPNG

More on Roberta’s Pizza: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1483755

I just went and looked at this post some more. There is a poster of Roberta’s pizza place on the post and it has little kids dancing around a maypole with skull heads, and a skull headed child getting a “face painting” of pizza. The poster is for a Summer Solstice celebration but it features these kids around a maypole. This I have realized is a human sacrifice reference. According to this Satanic calendar, the Maypole dance occurs during one of the 8 Sabbaths on April 30. Since this references the maypole dance I am thinking there must be human sacrifice implied. If you look here: http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/satanic_calendar.htm 30 April May night/Maypole dance April 30 Walpurgis night/Beltane: One of the most important nights on the satanic calendar. Blood rituals and human sacrifice take place.

Someone else asked if anything special is going on on December 28 on the Satanic Calendar. I think it’s part of the Winter Solstice stuff, but it could be in between their Winter Solstice celebrations and the Druid Feast Day.

http://www.theopenscroll.com/hosting/SatanicCalendar.htm: Date Celebration Type Usage Age Dec 22 Winter Solstice (Sabbat Festival) (Feast Day) orgies oral, anal, vaginal any age (male or female, human or animal) Dec 24 Demon Revels Da Meur High Grand Climax any age (male or female, human and/or animal) Christmas Eve blood Receive body parts as Christmas gifts infant male Jan 1 New Year’s Day Druid Feast Day 15-33


December 22 Summer Solstice: Animal and human sacrifices are made. 24 Demon revels: Male and female sacrifice. 25 Yuletide: Celebration of the birth of the sun as a young babe to the great goddess. The satanist’s own birthday is very important. The satanist says: “Every man is a god if he chooses to recognise himself as one”. (LaVey, the satanic bible). Jan 7 – St Winebald day: Blood rituals, dismemberment. Animal/human sacrifice.

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[–] DarkFae 1 points (+1|-0) 4 days ago
Wow. That made me think of that weird art piece that Podesta had. The human/pig with sucklings. I’m not familiar with how to post images. Maybe someone could dig that up?

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[–] amyrebeccajames 1 points (+1|-0) 4 days ago (edited 4 days ago)
Also, Cathy O’Brien talks about how from the time she was a baby her father used to substitute his penis for her mother’s nipple. A “suckling pig” meaning a nursing baby could either be some sort of animal sacrifice reference or child sex or child sacrifice reference. Or maybe they like day old tortillas with gelatinous pig meat a whole whole lot, and everyone planned on traveling by train to a metro station, hopping off and walking 10 minutes to eat a gross collagen filled stale tortilla taco and drink a shot, while bringing along all the extra children they could make available.

#childsacrifice, #moloch, #pizzagate, #podestaleaks, #voat-comvpizzagate, #wikileaks

Are the Wikileaks Exposing Child Sacrifice with Coded Language? – Part One – “I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch”

“Is the chicken sacrificed to Moloch actually a little boy? “With fingers crossed, the old rabbit’s foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . . . “: https://wikileaks.org/clinton-emails/emailid/14333

[–] heks_ 5 points (+5|-0) 1 fortnight ago
I’m no shill (see my other comments here), but I really don’t think this is anything. Look at the statement in the context of the entire sentence and the larger email thread. The email prior to this comment is describing some situation that they hope will work out as they want. Then we see this in response:

With fingers crossed, the old rabbit’s foot out of the box in the attic, I will be sacrificing a chicken in the backyard to Moloch . . .
It seems pretty obvious to me that what we’re seeing here is a joke about three different methods of trying to get good luck or a desired outcome.

Method 1 = Crossing fingers

Method 2 = Using a rabbit’s foot

Method 3 = Making a sacrifice to a god

Honestly, I don’t see anything remotely sinister here unless you insist that she really meant to do these things literally (i.e. cross her fingers, go into the attic to get a rabbit’s foot, then, still having her fingers crossed, sacrifice a chicken), and even then there’s no reason in this particular instance to think “chicken” is code for anything, since an actual chicken would make perfect sense here.

It’s things like this that teach us the lesson that we need to be ever-vigilant against confirmation bias.

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[–] amyrebeccajames [S] 8 points (+8|-0) 1 fortnight ago
Molech is the literal child sacrifice god, not the chicken sacrifice god… he’s not Colonel Sanders.

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[–] ferref 3 points (+3|-0) 1 fortnight ago
First person on pizzagate who made me laugh

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[–] heks_ 2 points (+2|-0) 1 fortnight ago
1) Both children and animals were sacrificed to Moloch

2) It seems to me that you’re simply assuming she knew anything about Moloch beyond the name, for example, knowing enough to know that children were sacrificed, but not enough to know that animals were sacrificed. Now, maybe you’re right that she was intimately familiar with Moloch, but then that causes a problem if you’re assuming she didn’t know animals were also sacrificed. So your argument seems to require that she have a very specific amount of knowledge, but no more.

3) You have to assume that she meant all this literally rather than as a joke that went along with the other two references to courting good luck. Do you think she literally crossed her fingers and got the rabbit’s foot out of the attic? If not, why think she literally sacrificed a chicken, much less a child, and in her backyard of all places?

I suspect you might think I’m a shill or something for taking a stand against this, but precisely the opposite is true. I think there is legitimate cause for concern about pizzagate and warrant for an investigation to determine whether or not the pizzagate suspicions are true. I’m also thoroughly annoyed by how badly the MSM has misrepresented this issue. But in this particular case this truly seems to me like a clear case of confirmation bias and a complete abandonment of objectivity and healthy skepticism, which only gives justification to the MSM for ignoring pizzagate. I see zero reason to believe she literally did any of the 3 things she mentioned here, and this sentence gives no telltale indications that it is employing “chicken” as a code word. When you read this whole thing in context, this statement simply comes off as a kind of joke expressing her hope that things described in the prior email turn out as desired.

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[–] amyrebeccajames [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 14 days ago
Is a Satanist more likely to kill a person to please Molech, or a chicken? In the beginning of the history of this god, Molech was the god that people would offer their children to as a sacrifice. This was because they were in Babylon, having orgies, and having lots of unwanted babies. Satan is happier with the destruction of a human life, than he is with the destruction of a chicken life. Chickenlover = pedo slang for boy lover. IDK, you can think it was just a coincidence if you want. I am simply asking what other people think. So thank you for your two cents.

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[–] Antiseed117 1 points (+1|-0) 1 fortnight ago
That statement is too tabbo to be anything but secret code.

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[–] militant 0 points (+0|-0) 1 fortnight ago
I share the same view.

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[–] amyrebeccajames [S] 4 points (+4|-0) 1 fortnight ago
Chickenlover = a gay pedophile who likes little boys Is this chicken this staffer planned to sacrifice to Moloch actually a child? Traditionally Molech is the god of child sacrifice.

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[–] whitehand 4 points (+4|-0) 1 fortnight ago
Molech is also what they named their pagan idol at Bohemian Grove where they perform a “mock” human sacrifice. Hillary would know all about this since Bill was frequently a Bohemian Grove attendee.

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[–] C4H9N3O2 0 points (+0|-0) 1 fortnight ago
God of money and child sacrifice, IIRC.

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[–] naturehelps 0 points (+0|-0) 1 fortnight ago
Look again at the poster of the pizza place in NY that Clinton likes, the one with grisly images and a summer solstice advertised. They mention roasting chickens.

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[–] amyrebeccajames [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 1 fortnight ago
I haven’t seen this yet. Do you know the name of the place? Or perhaps you have a link?

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[–] MatchboxMeglet 0 points (+0|-0) 14 days ago
Roberts’s Pizza Is HRC Fave

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[–] MurrueLaFlaga 0 points (+0|-0) 1 fortnight ago
From this post: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1501634

The place is called Roberta’s Pizza: https://sli.mg/QQNvJq.pngPNG

More on Roberta’s Pizza: https://voat.co/v/pizzagate/1483755

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amyrebeccajames [S] 1 points (+1|-0) 4 days ago
According to this Satanic calendar, the Maypole dance occurs during one of the 8 Sabbaths on April 30. Since this references the maypole dance I am thinking there must be human sacrifice implied. If you look here: http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/satanic_calendar.htm 30 April May night/Maypole dance April 30 Walpurgis night/Beltane: One of the most important nights on the satanic calendar. Blood rituals and human sacrifice take place.

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[–] amyrebeccajames [S] 1 points (+1|-0) 14 days ago
WOW. Could that be any more Satanic? And you know what used to be in Mead? It was a mixture of menstrual blood and ale or wine.

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[–] MurrueLaFlaga 0 points (+0|-0) 13 days ago
Eughhh what? They serve mead at Renaissance Faires still…new stuff, sure, but still. That’s truly disturbing.

Also, yes, that poster is ridiculously and obviously Satanic. Anyone who says that is just art is evil in my eyes.

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[–] amyrebeccajames [S] 1 points (+1|-0) 13 days ago
Yep. I did a bit of research on witches drinking menstrual blood a couple of years back. It’s the origin of Mead.

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[–] IndieVoater 0 points (+0|-0) 1 fortnight ago
This image is so fucking disturbing, I cant.

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[–] amyrebeccajames [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 4 days ago
But hey, face painting. A vague and not well hidden reference to a cum shot on a kid. From the looks of it a dead body of a kid?

[–] amyrebeccajames [S] 0 points (+0|-0) 1 fortnight ago
Here is some more info on the person who said this. http://afgj.org/us-representative-at-oas-calls-zelaya-return-“irresponsible” “Lew Amselem, our rep to OAS”

#childsacrifice, #moloch, #pizzagate, #podestaleaks, #voat-comvpizzagate, #wikileaks